Experts recommend packing a 72-hour “go-bag” before an emergency occurs. This bag should contain everything you need to survive for three days without assistance. Consider making one for your pet as well and include the following:
1. Copies of veterinary records – If you need to visit an out-of-town vet, having these records will save time, frustration and possibly your pet’s life. You may also be required to present vaccination records if you have to board your pet while you’re evacuated.2. Collar, tag and leash – This should be a separate set from the ones you normally use. In the event of a true emergency, you may have only seconds to put your pet in the car and go. Engrave the tag with your cell phone number and/or the number of a close friend or relative.
3. Medications – In addition to a 72-hour supply, make a list of your pet’s medications in case they need to be refilled while you’re out of your home.
4. A crate or carrier – This will help ensure that your pet is safe and secure in an unfamiliar environment.
5. Food and water – Again, pack enough for at least three days and don’t forget to include bowls.
6. A photo of your pet – In the confusion of an emergency, frightened pets may flee. A recent, clear photo of your pet will help you in your search.
Finally, plan where you will go once you have evacuated. Will you stay with a friend, check into a hotel or go to an emergency shelter? Will your pet be welcome there or will you need to arrange for boarding? Does your local animal shelter have provisions in place to house displaced pets?
Hopefully, you will never need to put your plan into action. However, spending a few minutes now to prepare – just in case – could make all the difference for both you and your pet should the unthinkable occur.
Amber Carlton is a freelance blogger and business writer specializing in the pet industry. Owned by two dogs and two cats, she is affectionately (?) known as the crazy pet-lady amongst her friends and family. Connect with her at Comma Hound Copywriting, on Twitter or at Mayzie’s Dog Blog.
When your dog is near the water, you do you have a life jacket for them?
And forbid a fire, lot's of water, a getway plan, and of course the items listed above to care for your beloved pets.
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