We have not had a flea or tick problem here. These are some links that have been shared on email groups that I wanted to share, because they are not harmful chemicals.
One woman reported this tag did not work.
Dermagic Flea Bar.
Dermagic Flea Bar
Evolve Wondercide got raving reviews by a practioner I respect a great deal.
One woman reported this tag did not work.
Dermagic Flea Bar.
Dermagic Flea Bar
Evolve Wondercide got raving reviews by a practioner I respect a great deal.
Cedarcide prodcuts that are dog and cat safe.
from deservingpets.com
Ticked Off! Tick and Flea Repellent offers you
and your dog all natural, chemical-free relief from fleas, ticks, mosquitoes,
gnats and other disease-carrying biting insects. A light misting provides
protection all day - it will not sweat off like chemical repellents and can be
used safely on dogs and children of all ages. It can be applied directly to the
skin or to clothing - and it won't stain your clothes. A quick squirt of Ticked
Off! on a bug will kill it immediately. We recommend weekly misting of your
pet's bedding to keep it bug free and smelling fresh. Go ahead - walk in the
tall grass! Run in the woods! Have fun and protect yourself and your pet from
biting insects.
We have not used this product, I saw raving reviews by a user on a natural health care list for pets.
Please warn Pet Parents not to use
Sargents or Hartz Flea & Tick - Hartz mountain, Sergeant's Gold Squeeze-on,
Sentry Pro XFC, Triforce Canine Squeeeze - on. Dogs are getting chemical burns,
cats are having seizures and stroke, as well as small dogs such as chihuahua's.
PLEASE VISIT www.hartzvictims.org
via: Dog Talk 06-24-12
PLEASE VISIT www.hartzvictims.org
via: Dog Talk 06-24-12
Always look up side effects of a medication before giving it to your pet.
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