Thursday, May 5, 2011

Give me shelter

After two winters of digging out potty trenches through the snow, we got inventive.  We purchased a used dog run, and improvised. First a picture of how it was.

Then the brainstorm came.  Improvise a dog run for a winter potty place.

We bought hardware to tilt the roof, which was one side of the dog run.
We then assembled the run on pea gravel, where the ramp from our dog door comes down.

You can see the ramp here.
Next we covered the edges with old sheets to protect the tarp from sharp edges.
Next step, tarping.   We bought the big tarps at Coscto and they wintered well.
Next we secured the tarp with bungee cords.

As you can see we have the overhang so the dogs can go down the ramp, and walk into the dog run without snow. Pea gravel is the best litter box material for dogs in the winter we have found.
Here we are, done!

This spring we put some small greenhouses inside for sprouting seeds, this summer we will remove the tarp and only tarp the roof to provide extra shade.   This winter was much easier with our dogs.   Hope someone can use some of these ideas.

Here is a great idea if you have a patio, ground level or deck level door.

Right up against the dog door, makes a visual of a dog house, not an entry point.

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