Sunday, April 17, 2011

Heart Worm

We were sent this information.  We are not vets, nor vet techs and yet, have not had a heartworm positive dog.  If you try this, please check with your vet first.

We found this beer online, seems Target carries it.

The Beer

We also saw it on Ebay.

First,  you have to remember that people involved with rescue are dealing
with dogs who've been
fed KRAPPLE all the lives,  have probably been in stressful situations,
probably had "toxins" put on and
in the name of "health".   That's why they are usually HW

If you want to keep your dogs healthy...avoid all of the above.  Feed a
proper prey model style RAW diet...NO grainy treats,  no household
chemicals,  no yard chemicals...and most of all...NO flea/tick/HW chemicals.

There are SAFE, Natural HW positive treatments...that don't involve
confining the dog for months...why would you use a toxic substance inside of
your dog(s) just "in case" it was exposed.   HW meds are NOT preventative,
they treat the dog as if it was already infected...

Here is info about using Black Label  (Irish)  Guiness Beer  ----

Most people use the conventional vet treatment which can kill the dog or
kill the worm. There is something new (actually old) that is making the
rounds right now that some rescue facilites are using because it not only
seems to kill the heartworm in all stages but also takes out almost every
other parasite. Guinness Black Label Stout beer (the label actually says
Draught and the bottle is black). Seems that it kills slowly thus
eliminating the problem with overloading the liver with all of the refuse

And the way they brew it over in Ireland is also better, slower, more
hops And better water.. So that process is also important.. To use guiness
its   1oz / 25lbs of dog.

First month, you dose first of month and then 2 wks later, from then
on.. Its just one dose every month. Unless you miss a month, then you start
over Again.

My friend that uses the cheap beer, yes she sees worms come out dead..
Heather has never really had worms.. So I cant say that they killed what
she Had.. But it Does prevent them.. And she also does not get heartworm.
AND Even when exposed to the area that had it the heaviest 3 yrs ago.. And
the Other dog with us that weekend.. Was on heartguard.. And DID get
heartworm.  And Heather (her dog) did not.. Speaks volumes to me.

As to getting rid of heartworm to those that test positive.. Have a vet
tech Friend in Ohio.. She has used this to cure dogs that come in positive
but are too sick to take *traditional* meds to be rid of the heart worm..

That protocol is 1oz per 25 lbs every 2 wks for 3 months.. A test to find
out where the dog stands.. If ONLY microfilea then the dog can go to once
every Month as it will eventually kill off the microfilea.. IF however there
are still young worms in the body.. Then another 3 months of the protocol..
Usually at that end the dog is cured of the heartworm infestations.. And
WELL and Healthy.

The nicest thing about this is that .. The beer renders them sterile..
They cannot reproduce, it also stunts their growth, speeds their aging up..
AND they do not produce any toxin as they die.. Which is what happens when
You try to poison them.. They make the dog really sick and most times
people will stop the treatment to keep the dog alive.. And the heartworm
dormant and then comes back with vengence..

ONLY the BLACK label imported (glass bottle) guiness stout (note--not
the Stout, but Draft).. Kills Heartworm.. The regular cheap beer won't..

It's been used successfully on 6 dogs in the past 3 yrs.. And the people
were very happy to get their dogs back.. The vet was not so happy, and he
lost money.. Oh well..

My friend that just uses the cheap beer, comes from a 4 generation
breeding kennels of Sheltie dogs.. They are soo sensitive to things, but
beer treatment is easy on them. I took that as a good sign also.

My friend now raises poms, and pyrs.. And still uses this, although when
she has taken in rescue's that were just loaded with all kinds of worms..
She bought and used the Black Label Stout (DRAUGHT). She really liked the
results on them, told me that they just started pooping multitudes of
dead worms in their stools. Within a few hours.. Some of her rescue's came
in with hook, whip, tape, and one had strongyles (I know it as blood worm
disease in Horses).

I have been trying to get ahold of my friend that uses the cheap beer,
but She is in the process of a move, so not often available. I will keep
trying though.

Ive used the stout recipe on Heather, a Great Pyrenees, and as they are
very sensitive dogs , low metabolism.  She has never shown any signs of
drunk.. She weighs 122lbs so she gets 5 oz of the beer.

The Doberman's in the household LOVE IT.. Cause it's a bit sweeter then
most beers are. They will lap it up without it being flat also.. But then
they are *food mongers*.

We have a rescue from my friend, up here to be trained for mobility
service dog work, he spent 7 months with my Friend, and she gave him the
Beer.. He likes the taste of That better then the Stout, but when its
Explained to him that this is what WE use.. He will consume it soaked
into his kibble (Heather is the only one on raw diet, as she just can NOT
process any kibble)

We also used the Guiness to treat a rescue ferret that had hookworms in
the Brain.. He had seizures, and lots of problems..

I started giving him half an eye dropper of Guiness before every feeding
and we were feeding him 4 times per day.. After the beer, he was fed about 2
eye droppers of baby liver. He fought the beer, but after the 3rd day we
started to really see a LOT of improvement.. It actually confirmed what
we had begun to see, but were not sure if it was that he was actually
getting FED .. It helped.. But the beer was actually improving him the most.

He made a complete recovery also. This was before I knew about Neem Oil
or the dmso..

We open the bottle, and measure it out per animal (3 dogs 2 cats) pour
it over their food and let it sit that way.. Heather's' gets marinated over
her Raw food.. Cats get it squirted down their throats.. We are lucky to get
3/4 Down.. I do the holding.. They know better than to try to bite me!

No one here gets drunk, nor staggers..

OH. Also know of someone that used the guiness to treat Ehrlichoisis,
with great success (although they were drinking the other half of the beer..
Dog is GREAT now.. And no signs nor false positives of that crap. Its
own Vets wrote it off as not surviving.. But she is doing great.. And very
healthy now.
From an email group.

Very simple, cheap method for protecting a dog from heartworms, or killing
them if the dog has them, and you can enjoy this method right along with the

I'm including a couple posts from another list where we discussed it.

Been using the beer for wormer for about 4.5 yrs.. A friend uses the *cheap
Beer* to worm her dogs.. And has for years.. I forget what the ratio is on
The cheap beer.. As I do not use that.

I started researching.. And not realizing THEN that what I was finding on
The net would NOT stay there, I just copied the links and not the pages..

But I found in research papers for work ongoing in JAPAN.. They were testing
The difference between Heart guard and Irish stout.. They were using guiness
Black label stout. (Renee's note--since I'm not a beer drinker I went and
bought Guinness but got the wrong kind. You need the one that says Guinness
Drought, as this is the black label, even though it doesn't say that
anywhere on the carton, the bottles have black labels, and it says it comes
from Ireland. The first one I bought came from Canada even though it was
Guinness Stout)

Now that is the difference.. The Glass bottles that are Black Label are
Always imported from Ireland.. Those in cans or not the black label.. Are
Brewed in the states and we have inferior hops..

Its a totally different variety of hops actually.. And we have lots more
Pollution where our hops are grown, then where Guiness grows theirs.. (in an
Sealed environment.. Pure air / water, and no pollution !!

And the way they brew it over in Ireland is also better, slower, more hops
And better water.. So that process is also important.. To use guiness its
1oz / 25lbs of dog.

First month, you dose first of month and then 2 wks later, from then on..
Its just one dose every month. Unless you miss a month, then you start over

My friend that uses the cheap beer, yes she sees worms come out dead..
Heather has never really had worms.. So I cant say that they killed what she
Had.. But it Does prevent them.. And she also does not get heart worm. AND
Even when exposed to the area that had it the heaviest 3 yrs ago.. And the
Other dog with us that weekend.. Was on heartguard.. And DID get heartworm.
And Heather (her dog) did not.. Speaks volumes to me.

As to getting rid of heartworm to those that test positive.. Have a vet tech
Friend in Ohio.. She has used this to cure dogs that come in positive but
Are too sick to take *traditional* meds to be rid of the heart worm..

That protocol is 1oz per 25lbs every 2 wks for 3 months.. A test to find out
Where the dog stands.. If ONLY microfilea then the dog can go to once every
Month as it will eventually kill off the microfilea.. IF however there are
Still young worms in the body.. Then another 3 months of the protocol..
Usually at that end the dog is cured of the heartworm infestations.. And
WELL and Healthy.

The nicest thing about this is that .. The beer renders them sterile.. They
Can not reproduce, it also stunts their growth, speeds their aging up.. AND
They do not produce any toxin as they die.. Which is what happens when
You Try to poison them.. They make the dog really sick and most times people
Will stop the treatment to keep the dog alive.. And the heartworm lays
Dormant and then comes back with vengence..

Only the black label imported (glass bottle) guiness stout (note--not the
Stout, but Draft).. Kills Heartworm.. The regular cheap beer wont..

Its been used successfully on 6 dogs in the past 3 yrs.. And the people were
Very happy to get their dogs back.. The vet was not so happy, and he lost
Money.. Oh well..

My friend that just uses the cheap beer, comes from a 4 generation breeding
Kennels of Sheltie dogs.. They are soo sensitive to things, but this beer
Treatment is easy on them. I took that as a good sign also.

My friend now raises poms, and pyrs.. And still uses this, although when she
Has taken in rescue's that were just loaded with all kinds of worms.. She
Bought and used the Black Label Stout (DRAUGHT). She really liked the
results on Them, told me that they just started pooping multitudes of dead
worms in Their stools. Within a few hours.. Some of her rescue's came in
with hook, Whip, tape, and one had strongyles (I know it as blood worm
disease in Horses).

I have been trying to get ahold of my friend that uses the cheap beer, but
She is in the process of a move, so not often available. I will keep trying

Ive used the stout recipe on Heather, a Great Pyrenees, and as they are very
Sensitive dogs , low metabolism, She has never shown any signs of being
Drunk.. She weighs 122lbs so she gets 5 oz of the beer.

I'm native American, and that much makes ME drunk.. So I was really watching
For that in Heather, but have never seen it happen, not even the first Time.

The Doberman's in the household LOVE IT.. Cause its a bit sweeter then most
Beers are. They will lap it up without it being flat also.. But then they
Are *food mongers*. Grin

We have a rescue from my friend, up here to be trained for mobility service
Dog work, he spent 7 months with my Friend, and she gave him the cheap
Beer.. He likes the taste of That better then the Stout, but when its
Explained to him that this is what WE use.. He will consume it soaked into
His kibble (Heather is the only one on raw diet, as she just can NOT process
Any kibble)

We have enough animals here, that one bottle does not last past the dose
Day.. Grin.

We also used the guiness to treat a rescue ferret that had hook worms in the
Brain.. He had seizures, and lots of problems..

I started giving him half an eye dropper of guiness before every feeding and
We were feeding him 4 times per day.. After the beer, he was fed about 2 eye
Droppers of baby liver. He fought the beer, but after the 3rd day we
Started to really see a LOT of improvement.. It actually confirmed what we
Had begun to see, but were not sure if it was that he was actually getting
FED .. It helped.. But the beer was actually improving him the most.

He made a complete recovery also. This was before I knew about Neem Oil or
The dmso.. Grin.

We open the bottle, and measure it out per animal (3 dogs 2 cats) pour it
Over their food and let it sit that way.. Heather's' gets marinated over her
Raw food.. Cats get it squirted down their throats.. We are lucky to get 3/4
Down.. I do the holding.. They know better than to try to bite me!

No one here gets drunk, nor staggers..

The only modality we have found to cure heart worm is ours.
It has been very effective, even on a dog that is an old Katrina dog, Bayou, bless his Coonhound heart!

We find it on dogs that are not in ( Heart Worm Areas).  We find it in humans too, look it up.  Medical science is only as good as it is.  Good luck on your journey...

© 2011

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